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Summer time Educational Activities for Kids

Summer time educational activities for kids

Now that summer has arrived (finally!), it's time for all of us to get outside and enjoy warm weather activities. Whether your family enjoys exploring the world and an adventure, or relaxing in the back garden, there is plenty of things to do that will keep the family entertained. 

We’ve put together a list of summer time educational activities for kids so you can keep your little ones entertained while also teaching them new skills. Here are some of our favorite ideas:

Scavenger hunt

A scavenger hunt in the back garden or at a park is a great way to get your family to bond together in the warm summer sun while building important skills. For your little ones, you can hide toys and stuffed animals around your backyard. For older kids, you can create a list of very simple clues that they’ll have to decipher to find those objects.

Backyard obstacle course

This is a great way to get your kids moving, running and playing! Setting up a backyard obstacle course is easy with some household items and toys. First, you can set up hula hoops for the kids to jump through. Second, tie some strings low to the ground and get them to crawl under. Third, you can find some small balls or bean bags to throw into a laundry basket. You can find a lot of things around the house that can be used to make a fun and educational obstacle course.


This is a fun one: Setting up a little campsite in your backyard is a great way to spend time in nature and teach your kids valuable hands-on lessons . Pitch a tent and try set it up with them so they can learn to do it themselves one day. You can even build a very small fire with some small kerosene lamps and roast some marshmallows to make s’mores – a perfect time to teach the kids about fire safety. This will be a really fun night all together, and also set up valuable building blocks for the future. 

Wildlife spotting

Go to your neighborhood park, a local lake, a mountain range or the closest beach, and try to identify some of the natural wildlife in your area. You can prepare ahead by looking up different plants, bugs, and birds you think might be around, and go exploring! This fun, summer educational activity will surely engage your kids in the natural world around them. 

Throw an outdoor picnic

A picnic is an easy outdoor summer activity for any family. Get your kids involved by having them help you prepare yummy portable snacks. Try easy foods like crackers and cheese, veggie sticks, healthy chips and other delicious dips like hummus or guacamole. Then, pack a little picnic basket and choose your favorite outdoor destination. It can be anywhere in your neighborhood with a pretty view.

Build a bird feeder

Making a bird feeder with your kids is a fun way to get them excited about all of the birds around them! You can easily make a DIY bird feeder with some popsicle sticks, peanut butter and birdseed. Just dip the sticks in the peanut butter, roll them in birdseed and set them up at different places in your backyard. It won’t be long before hungry birds will descend upon them!

Going on a trike ride

Teaching your little ones to ride a bike is the perfect summer activity, and the easiest way to teach them is with Liki Trike! Liki transforms to suit your baby’s growing needs from ten months all the way up to three years of age. Liki features four uses: parent mode to push mode, trike mode to bike mode, all accessible at the click of a button. With this trike you can teach your kid to ride a bike on their own time, slowly building their confidence and independence along the way. 

At Doona, we believe that parenting should be simple, and summers should be endless. That’s why we’ve created a full line of products that will help you and your family get out and explore the world while, most importantly, staying close together. Now get out there and enjoy that summer fun!

Liki Trike S5
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