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How to save money on baby essentials

How to save money on baby essentials

As most new parents know, having a baby is no easy task, and it’s not cheap either. With so many baby products out there it can be really difficult to know where to cut back, and where to splurge.

With a little bit of planning ahead, you can find ways to get everything you need within your budget. Here are our favorite money saving tips for parents to get you started.

Separate needs from wants

We all get excited when we’ve got a little one on the way - and many baby manufacturers are well aware of this. Once you start baby shopping, you will no doubt be inundated with the most adorable toys, clothes, and other contraptions designed as impulse buys for excited parents. But take a breath! Chances are, what you actually need, and what you want are very, very different. If you see something you like, take a week and think about it. If you still want it, buy it.

Shop smart

If you do a bit of digging online, chances are you’ll be able to find all sorts of coupon codes, specials and discounts. When shopping at a discount, a great money-saving idea is to buy both essentials and accessories that you’ll need in the future, yet might not need right now. Things like multiple sizes of sleep suits, a baby walker, or a portable playpen, are all things you might not need at first, but will come in handy later. 

Download apps, get rewards

There are tons of baby apps out there, and every single one of them wants your attention. Give it to them. In exchange for downloading their app, writing reviews or taking surveys, many of them will offer you coupon codes, as well as access to their point-reward systems, leading to even more discounts.

Ask the experts

Don’t be afraid to consult the real baby experts - your new parent friends! Chances are, they’ve gone through everything you’re about to go through, and have come out with some hard-won knowledge. Ask around and get the inside scoop about what they bought that actually came in handy.

Know when to buy used

When it comes to things like strollers, car seats, and any other safety-first gear - you never, ever want to buy used. Your baby’s safety comes before anything, and you never want to risk a piece of faulty equipment. But when you’re looking for baby clothes that they will grow out of in a week - go nuts, and go used! Opt for simple, off-brand, or consignment outfits. Online thrift stores like ThredUP are a great way to still get those discounted prices from home. And of course, always accept hand-me-downs.

Curate your registry

Anyone who has kids knows how much friends and family love to shower them in gifts. This is such an amazing gesture, but realistically we only need so many hair bows and cuddly toys. Instead of letting those unused baby outfits pile up, create a list of things you’ll actually need and use for loved ones to get you. Receiving diapers, bottles, pacifiers, swaddle blankets, and other baby must-haves as gifts will save you a huge chunk of your budget that you’d be putting towards buying those necessities. And make sure to return any unwanted gifts ASAP, to avoid possibly missing the return date.

Choose 2-in-1 convertible products

Finding those items that do double duty are going to be key for staying within your budget. Choosing a crib that converts into a toddler bed is an absolute must. You can also pick up a crib and changing table combo, convertible highchair, among many others. The key to these convertible products is that they save you from having to buy multiple products. Be sure to ask the salesperson in your local baby store, to show you the best 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 options. And of course, consider purchasing Doona Infant Car Seat & Stroller. Buying both a car seat and stroller for your infant can be costly, but Doona allows you to have both, all in one product, saving you money, space, time… the list goes on.

Whether this is your first baby or your fifth, the cost of all the essentials can really add up quickly. Keeping track of your budget and what you buy will be key in sticking to it, and ultimately save you tons of stress. This will leave you even more time to enjoy your new little one!

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