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Industrial Designer

We are a global consumer goods company. As we keep growing, we seek Industrial Designer to join our team.

Key Responsibilities:

• Lead and manage project timeline from concept until production
• Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams including marketing, manufacturing, design, and engineers to ensure project success
• Oversee product testing and iteration phases to refine designs and ensure quality standards are met

Skills & Requirements:

• Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design or related field
• Proven experience in project management within the industrial design field, with a strong portfolio demonstrating successful project outcomes.
• Understanding of critical milestones in the development stages of a product
• Practical experience in various development stages
•Experience in mechanical design of plastic products, with proficiency in CAD software – A MUST
• Ability to create drafts
• Understanding of the plastic molding process
• Ability to identify issues and provide solutions
• Willingness to travel internationally
• Strong decision-making skills and ability to take responsibility.
• Previous experience working with factories in China -advantage

This is a full-time position.

Please send your CV to

  • Please specify in the email which position you are applying.